Makkouk, KhaledKumari, SafaaEl-Ghariani, I.2024-07-042024-07-04Bayaa, B. K. M. Makkouk, S. O. Kumari and I. ElGhariani. 2003. Eighth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar AI-Mukhtar University, EI-Beida, Libya, 12-16 October, 2003. 149 pages (Arabic) and 143 pages (English). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut, Lebanon. book of abstracts of the eighth Arab congress of plant protection, which was held from 12-16 October 2003, in El-Beida, Libya.PDFfungicide resistenceinsect densityEighth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract bookConference ProceedingsTimeless limited access