Ergashev, MurodKhisravshokh, ShermatovImaralieva, Madina2019-10-092019-10-09Shukurov Rakhmon, Murod Ergashev, Shermatov Khisravshokh, Madina Imaralieva. (27/9/2019). Economy of land degradation in the Republic of Tajikistan (Fayzabad district). on Economy of land degradation in the Republic of Tajikistan (Fayzabad district), delivered during CACIP Regional consultation meeting which was held in Dushanbe Tajikistan on the 27th of September 2019.PDFCC-BY-NC-4.0eldeconomycacipregional consultationknwoledge portalEconomy of land degradation in the Republic of Tajikistan (Fayzabad district)PresentationOpen access